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الإمام الرّضا (عليه السَّلام ):
مُرِ الصَّبيَّ فلْيَتَصدَّقْ بيدِهِ بالكِسْرةِ والقَبْضةِ والشَّي ءِ وإنْ قَلَّ، فإنَّ كلَّ شي ءٍ يُرادُ بهِ اللّهُ وإنْ قَلَّ بعدَ أنْ تَصدُقَ النِّيّةُ فيهِ عظيمٌ.
Imam al-Reḍa (as):
Instruct the child to give charity with his own hand, be it a piece of bread or a handful of [food] or any other small thing, for everything - no matter how little it is - if done for the sake of Allah and with an honest intention is great.
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