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Individual Ethics » Virtues » Good-temperedness » Etiquette of Joking
رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
إنّي أمزَحُ ولا أقولُ إلّا حَقّا.

I joke but I do not speak other than the truth.
Source: Exposition of Nahj al-Balāgha Vol Ibn Abil-Ḥadīd P6
ID: 16350

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The Prophet Muhammad (S)

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Exposition of Nahj al-Balāgha, Ibn Abil-Ḥadīd
Abd al-Hamid b. Hibat Allah, known as Ibn Abi l-Hadid (586/1190 - 656/1258) was born in al-Mada'in. He began his education in his hometown and then traveled to Baghdad to continue his studies.Ibn Abi l-Hadid was a Shafi'i in jurisprudence and a Mu'tazilite in beliefs. He composed works in the fields of theology, logic, history, and poetry, but he is known mainly for his commentary on Nahj al-balagha, which reveals his mastery of literature, theology, ethics, history of early Islam, and Arabic poetry.

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