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Individual Ethics » Virtues » Chastity » Moral Superiority
الإمام الجواد (عليه السَّلام ):
الفَضائلُ أربَعةُ أجناسٍ: أحَدُها: الحِكمَةُ، وقِوامُها في الفِكرَةِ، والثاني: العِفَّةُ، وقِوامُها في الشَّهوَةِ، والثالثُ: القُوَّةُ، وقِوامُها في الغَضَبِ، والرابِعُ: العَدلُ، وقِوامُهُ في اعتِدالِ قُوَى النفسِ.

There are four types of merits: the first is wisdom, and its basis is thinking. The second is chastity, and its basis is desire. The third is power, and its basis is anger. The fourth is justice, and its basis is moderation in the faculties of the self.
ID: 2564

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Imam al-Jawad (as)

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Abu l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. ʿIsā Hakkārī, (Arabic: أبوالحسن علي بن عیسی هکّاري) ,known as Bahaʾ al-Dīn al-Irbilī (بهاءالدين إربلي), famous Shi'a hadith scholar, historian, literary man and poet in 7th/13th century. Kashf al-ghumma fi ma'arifat al-a'imma is his most notable work. This is one of the reliable biographies of the Prophet (s) and Shi'a Imams (a).
Dar al-Azwa

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