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The Twelfth Imām (al-Mahdi)

Name:  (al-Mahdi)

Agnomen: Abul Qāsim.

Title: Al-Mahdi, al-Qā’im, al-Hujja, Sāhib al-Amr.

Father: Hasan bin ‘Ali.

Mother: Narjis (also known as Susan, Sayqal).

Birth: 15th Sha‘bān 255 AH in Samarra, Iraq.

Living in Occultation & will appear before the end of time.


Twelfth Imam: Abu 'l-Qāsim .... AL-MAHDI, son of al-Hasan al-`Askari, was born on 15th Sha`ban 255/869 in Samarra (Iraq). He is our present Imam; he went into Lesser Occultation in 260/874 which continued until 329/844; then the Greater Occultation began, which still continues. He will reappear when Allah allows him, to establish the Kingdom of Allah on earth, to fill the world with justice and equality, as it would be full of injustice and tyranny. He is al-Qā'im (the one who shall stand to establish the rule of Allah); al-Hujjah (the Proof of Allah over His creatures); Sāhibu ’z-Zamān (the Lord of Our Time), and Sāhibu ’l-Amr (the one vested with Divine authority).

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