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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



A Brief Biography of Imam Ali (as)

A Brief Biography of Imam Ali (as)

...While returning from the last pilgrimage, the Prophet openly and clearly intr...

Today, Humanity Needs the Holy Qur'an

Today, Humanity Needs the Holy Qur'an

The blessings of the Holy Quran are endless. There is dignity, power, progress, ...

Imam Ali's Great Companion

Imam Ali's Great Companion

In the past I had a brother-in-faith [1] and he was prestigious in my view beca...

What Non-Muslims Say About Islam, The Fastest Growing Religion in the World

What Non-Muslims Say About Islam, The Fastest Grow...

This is a collection of short quotations from a wide variety of Non-Muslim notab...

Hijab in the Qur’an

Hijab in the Qur’an

When we look at the Holy Qur’an we find that it has addressed the issue of hijab...

Islam is a Religion of Peace and Tolerance

Islam is a Religion of Peace and Tolerance

Referring to the holy Quran and the tradition of the holy Prophet Muhammad (P) w...

The Last Message (Islam) and the Last Prophet

The Last Message (Islam) and the Last Prophet

Islam, from the very beginning, has said that it is the last divine message to m...