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Ghurar al-Ḥikam

Abu l-Fath 'Abd al-Wahid b. Muhammad b. 'Abd al-Wahid Tamimi al-Amidi


Abu l-Fath 'Abd al-Wahid b. Muhammad b. 'Abd al-Wahid Tamimi al-Amidi

Discription of This Book

Ghurar al-ḥikam wa durar al-kalim (Arabic:غُرَرُ الحِکَم و دُرَرُ الکَلِم) is a collection of short quotations from Imam 'Ali (a) that was compiled by Abu l-Fath al-Amidi, a scholar of the 5th/11th century. Ghurar al-hikam is a famous hadith book among the Shi'a and several supplements and a commentary have been written on it.

General Data

The full information of the hadith is given below

Title of Book
Ghurar al-Ḥikam
Abu l-Fath 'Abd al-Wahid b. Muhammad b. 'Abd al-Wahid Tamimi al-Amidi
Date of death of the author
Number of volumes
Dar al-Katb al-Islamiya


<p style="text-align: justify;"><span dir="RTL">اس کتاب ک</span><span dir="RTL">ے</span><span dir="RTL"> مؤلف ابو الفتح آمدی (متوفی 510 </span><span dir="RTL">ھ</span><span dir="RTL">) جن کا اصل پورا نام قاضی ناصح&rlm; الدین ابو الفتح عبد الواحد بن محمد بن عبد الواحد تمیمی آمِدی </span><span dir="RTL">ہے۔</span><span dir="RTL">[1] آپ قاضی ت</span><span dir="RTL">ھے</span><span dir="RTL"> اور ش</span><span dir="RTL">ہ</span><span dir="RTL">ر آمِد می</span><span dir="RTL">ں</span><span dir="RTL"> منصب قضاوت پر منصوب ت</span><span dir="RTL">ھے۔</span><span dir="RTL"> [2] آپ کی زندگی ک</span><span dir="RTL">ے</span><span dir="RTL"> بار</span><span dir="RTL">ے</span><span dir="RTL"> می</span><span dir="RTL">ں</span><span dir="RTL"> زیاد</span><span dir="RTL">ہ</span><span dir="RTL"> معلومات منابع می</span><span dir="RTL">ں</span><span dir="RTL"> موجود ن</span><span dir="RTL">ہ</span><span dir="RTL">ی</span><span dir="RTL">ں</span> <span dir="RTL">ہے۔</span><span dir="RTL"> ان</span><span dir="RTL">ہ</span><span dir="RTL">و</span><span dir="RTL">ں</span><span dir="RTL"> ن</span><span dir="RTL">ے</span><span dir="RTL"> ایک اور کتاب بنام جوا</span><span dir="RTL">ہ</span><span dir="RTL">ر الکلام فی الحکم و الاحکام من قص</span><span dir="RTL">ۃ</span><span dir="RTL"> سید الانام تالیف کی </span><span dir="RTL">ہے۔</span></p>

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