Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



The reality of Tawakkul (reliance on Allah)

The reality of Tawakkul (reliance on Allah)

Tawakkul means that man, in the face of the difficulties of life,takes Allah (s....

The High Status of the Holy Qur'an

The High Status of the Holy Qur'an

In the whole world no book can rival the Holy Quran in its virtues and high stat...

Sermon 81 of Nahj al-Balagha: About Abstinence

Sermon 81 of Nahj al-Balagha: About Abstinence

O people! Abstinence (zuhd) is to shorten desires, to thank for bounties and to ...

Ways of Recognizing the Prophets

Ways of Recognizing the Prophets

Primordial human nature compels man not to accept any claims without conclusive ...

What Non-Muslims Say About Hussain, The Third Successor of Prophet Muhammad

What Non-Muslims Say About Hussain, The Third Succ...

Imam Husayn was the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them both, w...

The reason behind the rapid spread of Islam

The reason behind the rapid spread of Islam

One of the special features of the Shari'a is the simplicity and the balanced na...

Conjugal Rights

Conjugal Rights

Human life is not confined to food and drinks. Rather love, affection and sacrif...