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رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
قِوامُ المَرءِ عَقلُهُ، ولا دِينَ لِمَن لا عَقلَ لَهُ.

The very basis of man is his intellect, and the man devoid of intellect has no religion.
Source: Kanz al-favaed Vol2 P31 Rawḍat al-Wā'iẓīn Vol1 P4
ID: 1282

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The Prophet Muhammad (S)

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Rawḍat al-Wā'iẓīn
Muhammad b. Hasan al-Fattal al-Nayshaburi (d. 508/1114-5), known as Ibn Fattāl (إبن فتّال) and Ibn al-Fārsī (إبن الفارسي), was among Shi'a scholars of 5th/11th and 6th/12th century. He was among Ibn Shahrashub's sources of hadiths and transmitted hadiths from al-Shaykh al-Tusi and al-Sharif al-Murtada. He wrote two books called Rawdat al-wa'idin and al-Tanwir fi ma'ani al-tafsir. Also, some have attributed Munis al-hazin to him. Al-Fattal al-Nayshaburi was killed by Shihab al-Islam. He is mentioned as martyr. درباره نویسنده

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Kanz al-favaed
Abul Fatah, Muhammad bin Ali Karajki Tripoli (died 449 AH), jurist, usuli, mathematician, astronomer, writer and knowledgeable in the sciences of hadith, philosophy, theology, syntax, ethics, history, men, interpretation and medicine, and one of the most brilliant scientific figures of the first half It is the fifth century of Hijri and contemporary with Sheikh Tusi. He is considered one of the late thinkers of the Baghdad school. Sheikh Har Aamili says about him: "Sheikh Abul-Fath Karajki is a distinguished scholar and theologian, a jurist, and a trustworthy muhaddith."

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