The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...
Generosity is one of the noble traits possessed by prophets. It is the pillar o...
السَّلامُ عَلَى وَلِيِّ اللَّهِ وَ حَبِيبِهِ السَّلامُ عَلَى خَلِيلِ اللَّهِ وَ نَجِيبِهِ السَّلامُ عَلَى صَفِيِّ اللَّهِ وَ ابْنِ صَفِيِّهِ السَّلامُ عَلَى الْحُسَيْنِ الْمَظْلُومِ الشَّهِيدِ السَّلامُ عَلَى أَسِيرِ الْكُرُبَاتِ وَ قَتِيلِ الْعَبَرَاتِ اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَشْهَدُ أَنَّهُ وَلِيُّكَ وَ ابْنُ وَلِيِّكَ وَ صَفِيُّكَ وَ ابْنُ صَفِيِّكَ الْفَائِزُ بِكَرَامَتِكَ أَكْرَمْتَهُ بِالشَّهَ...
Forty Traditions from Imam Ali (as)
Twenty Traditions from Imam Hassan Mujtaba (as)
It is rare to find someone who has not asked himself or others the question: “Wh...
Man is endowed with free will; he is capable of exercising independent choice-th...
When Amir al-mu'minin was warned of being killed by deceit, he said:
Lady Fatima (A) used to work very hard in her house. She used to grind the wheat...
After the revival of the dead and their entrance into the domain of the Resurrec...
Praise belongs to Allah, who established Islam and made it easy for those who ap...
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