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الإمام المهدي (عجَّل الله فرَجَه ):
«... إِنَّا غَیرُ مُهْمِلِینَ لِمُرَاعَاتِکمْ وَ لاَ نَاسِینَ لِذِکرِکمْ وَ لَوْ لاَ ذَلِک لَنَزَلَ بِکمُ اَللَّأْوَاءُ وَ اِصْطَلَمَکم اَلْأَعْدَاءُ فَاتَّقُوا اَللَّهَ جَلَّ جَلاَلُهُ» .

Surely, we do not neglect your condition nor are we forgetful of your remembrance. Had it not been so, then, terrible calamities would have struck you and your enemies would have destroyed you. So be wary of your duty to Allah, the Exalted.
Source: al-Iḥtijāj Vol2 P497
ID: 32003

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Imam al-Mahdi (as)

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‏ According to the beginning of the book, its name is "al-Ihtijaj", and there is no mention of "al-Ihtijaj 'ala ahl al-lijaj." However, other scholars introduced the book by two names. The book is well known as "Ihtijaj al-Tabrisi. Shaykh Yusuf al-Bahrani, the author of Lu'lu'at al-bahrayn writes: "Some of the recent Shi'a scholars have made a mistake in ascription of the book to Abu Ali al-Tabrisi, the author of Majma' al-bayan. Some of those who made this mistake are Amin al-Istarabadi and before him, the author of Mashayikh al-Shi'a and before him, Muhammad b. Abi Jumhur al-Ahsa'i in 'Awali al-la'ali and also Qadi Nur Allah al-Shushtari in Majalis al-mu'minin.
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