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رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
إيّاكُم وَ الظَّنَّ، فإنَّ الظّنَّ أكْذَبُ الحَديثِ، وَ لا تَحَسَّسوا، و لا تَجَسَّسوا

Beware of suspicion, for verily suspicion is the greatest lie; and do not probe one another [for information] nor spy on one another.
Source: Al-Jami al-Sahih Vol4 P1985
ID: 482

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The Prophet Muhammad (S)

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Al-Jami al-Sahih
Muslim bin Hajjaj Qashiri Neishaburi was born in Neishabur in the first decade of the third lunar century. He first studied knowledge in his hometown and then traveled to different cities to complete his knowledge and learned hadith from the presence of great and famous narrators. One of his famous teachers is Muhammad bin Ismail Bukhari. He heard from Yahya bin Yahya Neishaburi, Qutiba bin Saeed, Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhab Fara, Ishaq bin Rahwayh, Muhammad bin Mehran, Ibrahim bin Musa Fara, Ali bin Jad, Ahmad bin Hanbal, and many scholars of hadith. His most important author is "Sahih Muslim", which is considered the second most reliable hadith book among Sunnis. Muslim finally passed away in the month of Rajab in 261 AH and was buried in his homeland. Muslim bin Hajjaj Qashiri Nishaburi (204-261 AH) is the author of books such as Al-Tamiyez, Kitab al-Mukhdermin and Kitab al-Allal in Hadith. His most famous work, al-Jami al-Sahih, is known as Sahih Muslim.[1] He was a student of Muhammad bin Ismail Bukhari, the author of Sahih Bukhari, and some other authors of Sahih Seth, such as Tirmidhi, were his students.

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