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رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
لَو مَشى رجُلٌ إلى رجُلٍ بسِكِّينٍ‏ مُرهَفٍ كانَ خَيرا لَهُ مِن أن يُثني علَيهِ في وَجهِهِ.

A man assaulting another man with a sharp knife is better for him than if he was to praise him to his face.
Source: al-Maḥajjat al-Bayḍā' fī Tahdhīb al-Aḥyā' Vol5 P284
ID: 16339

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The Prophet Muhammad (S)

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al-Maḥajjat al-Bayḍā' fī Tahdhīb al-Aḥyā'
Mullā Muḥammad b. Murtaḍā b. Maḥmūd al-Kāshānī (Arabic:الملا محمد بن مرتضى بن محمود الكاشاني), known as Mullā Muḥsin (Arabic: مُلّامُحسِن) and al-Fayḍ al-Kāshānī (Arabic: فیض کاشانی), was a Shiite philosopher, scholar of hadith, Quranic exegete, and an Akhbari scholar of fiqh in the 11th/17th century. He studied with prominent scholars such as Mulla Sadra, al-Shaykh al-Baha'i, Mir Findiriski, and Mir Damad.
Eslami publication under the supervision of Jaimito Al-mudarriseen

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