
التسجیل العربية
الإمام جعفر الصادق (عليه السَّلام ):
للمؤمنِ على المؤمنِ سَبْعَةُ حُقوقٍ واجِبَةٍ لَهُ مِن اللَّهِ عزّ و جلّ، و اللَّهُ سائلُهُ عَمّا صَنَعَ فيها: الإجْلالُ لَهُ في عَيْنِهِ، و الوُدُّ لَهُ في صَدرِهِ، و المُواساةُ لَهُ في مالِهِ، و أنْ يُحِبَّ لَهُ ما يُحِبُّ لنَفْسِهِ، و أنْ يُحرِّمَ غِيبَتَهُ، و أنْ يَعودَهُ في مَرضِهِ، و يُشَيّعَ جَنازَتَهُ و لا يَقولَ فيهِ بعدَ مَوتِهِ إلّا خَيراً .

El creyente tiene siete derechos que incumben a su prójimo creyente, que Dios, el Poderoso y Exaltado, hace obligatorios, y sobre los cuales Dios le preguntará qué hizo: estimarlo mucho ante sus ojos, tener amor por él en su corazón, ayudarlo financieramente con su propia riqueza, amar para él lo que ama para sí mismo, prohibir que [otros] lo critiquen, visitarlo en su enfermedad, asistir a su cortejo fúnebre y no decir nada, excepto lo bueno de él después de su muerte.
كلمات مفتاحية:
المصدر: Sheīj Ṣadūq المجلد Al-Jiṣāl الصفحة
ID: 1927

333 0 المشارکة

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Imam Yaʿfar as-Sadiq (P)

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Sheikh Ṣadūq, al-Khiṣāl
Al-Shaykh al-Saduq ،Muhammad b. Ali b. al-Husayn b. Musa b. Babawayh al-Qummi known as al-Shaykh al-Saduq was among the greatest Shi'a scholars of the 4th/10th century. Exact date of his birth is not known; however, it must have been after 305/917-8. His grave is in Rey. He has been considered the greatest scholar of Qom in hadith and jurisprudence and more than 300 scholarly works have been attributed to him, most of which are not available now. Man la yahduruh al-faqih which is among the Shia's Four Books is one of his works. His other important works are Ma'ani al-akhbar, 'Uyun akhbar al-Rida, al-Khisal, 'Ilal al-shara'i', and Sifat al-Shi'a.Some of his most famous students were al-Sharif al-Murtada, al-Shaykh al-Mufid, and al-Talla'ukbari.
Eslami publication under the supervision of Jaimito Al-mudarriseen

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