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الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):
خُذوا مِنَ العِلمِ ما بَدا لَكُم، وإيّاكُم أن تَطلُبوهُ لِخِصالٍ أربَعٍ: لِتُباهوا بِهِ العُلَماءَ، أو تُماروا بِهِ السُّفَهاءَ، أو تُراؤوا بِهِ فِي المَجالِسِ، أوتَصرِفوا وُجوهَ النّاسِ إلَيكُم لِلتَّرَؤّسِ.

Take of knowledge whatever seems good to you, but beware of seeking knowledge for four reasons: in order that you may contend with the scholars, or in order to wrangle with foolish people, or that you may show off with it in gatherings, or in order that people may look up to you to lead them.
Source: Irshād al-Qulūb Vol1 P230
ID: 2152

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Imam Ali (as)

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Irshād al-Qulūb
Hasan b. Abi l-Hasan b. Muhammad al-Daylami, a scholar of 8th century AH, was among the chiefs of Twelver Shia who was knowledgeable in different sciences, especially in jurisprudence, hadith and 'Irfan. Ibn Fahd al-Hilli and al-Allama al-Majlisi narrated hadith from him in their books. His most famous works have been Irshad al-qulub, A'lam al-din and Ghurar al-akhbar wa durar al-athar.
Al-Sharif al-Razi

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